Spirit-Filled Transformation - Acts 10

Discover how Spirit-filled transformation can lead us to live empowered lives. Embrace divine appointments, the inclusivity of the Gospel, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Jul 14, 2024

Biblical Perspectives on the Assassination Attempt on President Trump

Explore biblical perspectives on the recent assassination attempt on President Trump. Discover biblical insights on prayer, trust, love, forgiveness, and how to respond to political turmoil.

Jul 14, 2024

Overcoming Prejudice with God's Love - Acts 10

Discover how to overcome prejudice with God’s love by exploring the transformative journey of Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10. Learn to trust, be open, and act in obedience to divine guidance.

Jul 07, 2024

Healing Power Transforms Lives - Acts 9

Discover the transformative power of God's healing in our lives today. Learn how faith, prayer, and community support can lead to miraculous healing and spiritual restoration.

Jun 30, 2024

True Encounters with Christ - Acts 9

Discover the transformative power of true encounters with Christ. Hear inspiring stories of faith, healing, and boldness from the Book of Acts and personal testimonies at Life Church St Louis.

Jun 23, 2024

Unlocking Miracles with the Spirit's Power - Acts 8

Discover how the Holy Spirit's power unlocks miracles in our lives, overcoming barriers, bringing healing and freedom, and confirming the Gospel. Learn to rely on the Spirit's power for breakthroughs.

Jun 02, 2024

Prepare for Judgement Day - Luke 19

Discover the importance of preparing for Judgement Day and serving Jesus faithfully. Explore eternal rewards and the consequences of not following Him.

Feb 12, 2023

The 3 Essential Marks of a Biblical Church

Learn the biblical basis for the 3 essential marks of the biblical church. Discover the history of the restoration of the marks and how to identify biblical churches today.

Feb 28, 2024

Awaken to the Spirit - Acts 2

Awaken to the Spirit: Discover the power of the Holy Spirit for everyone. Learn about Spirit baptism, Jesus' role, and joining a biblical church. Experience the Spirit's awakening today.

Feb 04, 2024

Hard Questions Answered - Luke 20

Explore the enlightening sermon on Luke 20 at Life Church St. Louis. Discover Jesus' wisdom on government, resurrection, and tackling life's hard questions.

Mar 12, 2023

Overcoming Life's Challenges - Luke 20

Explore how to navigate life's challenges with faith in Jesus, as illustrated in Luke 20. This insightful post teaches understanding and submitting to Jesus' authority for overcoming obstacles.

Mar 05, 2023

Find Joy in the Journey - Luke 19

Discover the purpose of life's journey, find joy, and embrace the mission with insights from Luke 19 in this inspirational message.

Feb 26, 2023