Why Christians and Others Should Vote No on Missouri Amendment 3

Why Christians and Others Should Vote No on Missouri Amendment 3

Sep 21, 2024

Pastor Dan Walker, PhD, MDiv

Why Christians and Others Should Vote No on Missouri Amendment 3

As Missouri voters head to the polls, Amendment 3 presents a significant and concerning decision. This proposed change to the Missouri Constitution would have far-reaching effects on reproductive rights, parental authority, and the healthcare system. Whether you identify as a Christian or not, there are compelling reasons to vote "No" on Amendment 3. In this post, we’ll explore both biblical and secular perspectives to explain why this amendment is a dangerous proposition for all Missourians.

Understanding Missouri Amendment 3

Missouri Amendment 3 proposes to enshrine a right to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, in the state constitution. While the ballot language highlights "reproductive freedom," the actual implications are much broader and more severe. The amendment would remove many of Missouri's existing abortion restrictions and allow for regulations only in limited circumstances, primarily tied to maternal health.
If passed, this amendment could nullify decades of pro-life legislation and substantially alter how Missouri handles reproductive healthcare. It would also introduce uncertainty around parental rights and health regulations, threatening protections such as parental consent laws and critical health and safety measures.

Biblical Reasons to Oppose Amendment 3

The Sanctity of Life

For Christians, the Bible speaks clearly about the sanctity of human life. Psalm 139:13-16 celebrates God's creation of life in the womb, affirming that each life is known and valued by God even before birth. Similarly, Jeremiah 1:5 teaches that God has a purpose for every life, beginning at conception.
Amendment 3 stands in stark contrast to these biblical principles. By allowing abortion through all stages of pregnancy under broad circumstances, it dismisses the sanctity of life that Christians are called to protect. Voting “No” upholds this core biblical value and affirms the belief that every life, from conception, is precious in God’s eyes.

Defending the Innocent

Proverbs 31:8 urges believers to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Unborn children are the most vulnerable among us, with no voice to defend their right to life. By voting against Amendment 3, Christians fulfill their duty to protect the innocent and stand for life.

Secular Reasons to Oppose Amendment 3

Erosion of Parental Rights

Amendment 3 threatens to eliminate parental consent laws, which currently allow parents to guide their children through serious, life-changing decisions. Without these protections, minors would be able to undergo an abortion without their parents' knowledge or consent.
Regardless of religious beliefs, parental rights are a fundamental aspect of family life. Removing these rights leaves minors vulnerable to making significant decisions without proper support, undermining the family structure that benefits society as a whole.

Health and Safety Concerns

The amendment also endangers crucial health and safety standards. Missouri’s current laws ensure that abortion facilities meet specific safety requirements, ensuring sterile conditions and oversight by licensed professionals. These safeguards protect women from unsafe practices. Amendment 3 could eliminate these regulations, putting women’s health at greater risk.
This is not just a religious issue—it’s a matter of public health and safety. Weakening or removing these protections would increase the risk for women seeking abortions, leading to dangerous consequences.

Late-Term Abortions and Mental Health Loopholes

One of the most troubling aspects of the amendment is its provision for late-term abortions. It allows abortions after fetal viability if a healthcare professional determines it necessary for the mother’s "physical or mental health," a broad term left undefined. This could open the door to late-term abortions for nearly any reason, even in cases where the unborn child is viable outside the womb.
Most Missourians, whether religious or not, are uncomfortable with the idea of late-term abortions. The vague language in Amendment 3 leaves far too much room for interpretation, posing a real threat to unborn children.

Economic and Social Implications

Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Another major concern is the potential for taxpayer-funded abortions. Currently, Missouri law prevents public funds from being used for abortion services. However, if Amendment 3 passes, it could lead to lawsuits that force the state to use taxpayer dollars for abortions.
This would be a direct violation of the conscience of many Missourians who morally oppose abortion. Whether one supports or opposes abortion, forcing taxpayers to fund it is a controversial step that impacts everyone.

Impact on Healthcare

Additionally, the amendment could strain Missouri’s healthcare system. By allowing non-physicians to perform abortions and removing crucial safety regulations, Amendment 3 could increase the demand for abortion services while reducing the quality of care. This would put more pressure on healthcare providers and create a less safe environment for women seeking care.

Voting No to Protect Life and Values

Faith-Based Call to Action

For Christians, voting “No” on Amendment 3 is a clear and necessary stand for biblical values. It protects the sanctity of life and fulfills the responsibility to defend the innocent. By rejecting this amendment, Christians can support laws that honor God’s creation and ensure that both women and unborn children are valued and protected.

A Call to Those of Other Faiths or Beliefs

For those with different beliefs, there are still compelling reasons to vote "No." Protecting parental rights, ensuring healthcare safety, and preventing taxpayer-funded abortions are concerns that affect everyone. A “No” vote respects individual freedoms and prevents the government from imposing policies that infringe on personal or moral convictions.


Missouri Amendment 3 is a dangerous proposition that threatens the values of life, family, and safety for all Missourians. Whether you identify as Christian or hold other beliefs, there are strong reasons to oppose this amendment. As you approach the upcoming election, take time to consider the wide-reaching impact of this amendment on the future of our state and the lives of its most vulnerable.
Vote “No” on Missouri Amendment 3 to protect life, preserve parental rights, and maintain the safety and dignity of healthcare for all.